Friday, February 28, 2014


On Fridays, we have an opportunity to go with the Franciscans and join them in the Stations of the Cross. Several hundred people walk the narrow streets and follow the Franciscans through each station. The experience of seeing so many people still following us, waiting for us, and some even joining us added to the Stations. 

The Stations follow the beginning of the end of Jesus' life and this experience has left me amazed at how many people still follow Our Lord, Jesus Christ. As we went along the Via Delorosa, which is the road that follows the stations, thoughts came of the crowd that was around Jesus waiting to see his death some two thousand years ago.   Was it as crowded as those of us doing the stations?

We entered the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and arrived to a pretty full church. At Calvary they stopped the line so the Franciscans could do the last stations. The stations end at the Holy Sepulcher where again, a full house stood in awe of the Franciscans processing in and honoring the tomb of Jesus. On the walk, there were Muslims trying to get through, and other pilgrims who did not know about the event, but just like the Holy Sepulcher, the people stood in awe of such a large gathering. 

This was a very powerful experience to see literally, the world stop because something major was about to happen. Jesus Christ had died on a Friday and rose again!

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